Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mystery Sonagram #2

I recorded these two birds this morning in Philadelphia, PA at Harper's Meadow. I will give you a hint, both of these birds songs are "trills". I will post the audio on Monday. Email if you would like to log an answer before I post the audio.


Click here for audio recording for both birds

Click here to hear a louder recording of Bird B

This second sonagram is an enlargement of the first bird in the composite sonagram above.

Bird A

This third sonagram is an enlargement of the second birdsong in the composite sonagram above.
Bird B

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mystery Sonogram #1

Recorded at dawn March 1st in mature forest/mature suburban edge.
Philadelphia (southeast Pennsylvania).
I've only heard this call Jan-March and it isn't on the Stokes' CD for this species.

Email answer to

Note for those not used to looking at sonagrams: 8-10 kHz is actually pretty high pitched.
"The first sonogram shows a 24-second recording of an American Goldfinch song. The song includes frequencies from about 2 kHz to 8 kHz."

Here is a the recording from which the sonagram came:

Click here for the answer: